
Turbo Play contains a big collection of built-in effects for you.
Audio effects are professional level dynamics, frequency and reverb plugins, where Video effects, animations and transitions are GPU-accelerated or FFmpeg image processors for your video. You can select any of the effects as your favorites.

Effects can be combined with other effects, which means you have countless creativity possibilities.

Some effects work only in certain modes, some effects have no meaning if combined with others, some effects change their actions depending on the combination. Some are designed specifically for transitions and will produce no meaningful effect when used as animations and vice versa. Do experiment to find out what suits you best - the possibilities are unlimited.
In addition to its own audio effects, Turbo Play supports loading VST plugins with full VST 3.5x support.
In addition to its own video effects, Turbo Play supports loading most Adobe After Effects and Adobe Premiere plugins which can be used as video/image effects, animations or transitions.
In addition to its own video effects, Turbo Play supports loading most OpenFX plugins which can be used as video/image effects, animations or transitions.
In addition to its own video effects, Turbo Play supports creating custom HLSL effects which can be used as video/image effects, animations or transitions.
In addition to its own video effects, Turbo Play supports creating custom GLSL ShaderToy compatible effects which can be used as video/image effects, animations or transitions.
All Turbo Play effects contain automation parameters. This means that you can alter their parameters over time by using the Automation editor.
Audio effects are usually very fast. Video effects and transitions however would be fast or slow depending on what you do. GPU effects are way faster than non GPU effects (Fortunately, 99% of Turbo Play effects are GPU effects). The more effects you combine, the slowest the overall rendering will become. The bigger the video size, the slowest the effects will be. The lengthier the effect, the more time it will take, especially for animations that take the whole part which may be a 3 minute video. .

Audio effects include:
  • Amplification effects (Mute, Amplification, Normalization, Fades)
  • Frequency processors (Graphic and Parametric equalizer, scientific filters)
  • Dynamics processors (Compressor, Expander, Noise Gate, Multiband versions)
  • Multiband subhost to host any other audio effect within a specific band
  • Modulation effects (Chorus, Delay, Echo, Flanger, Phaser, Vibrato, Tremolo)
  • Reverb (quick and advanced)
  • Invert, Reverse, Noise Reduction
  • Resample (through the scenes)
  • Remix, allowing you to convert any number of channels to an arbitrary channel set (for example 1 to 2, 2 to 5.1 etc)
  • A generic multiband hosting control which allows you to use multibanding configuration for any effect (internal or VST)
Audio effects applied to a track are'runtime' effects, also configurable through the mixer. Audio effects applied to a part are instantly 'rasterized'. Audio effects can also be applied to separated Drum Loop instsruments or at the Orchestra VST.

Turbo Play supports VST 2.x, VST 3.x instruments and effects and VST 3.5+ expressions through VST plugins. MIDI effects (VST instruments) are applied at runtime and they can also be rasterized on demand.

Turbo Play contains over 300 GPU accelerated Image and Video effects:
  • Color effects (Saturation, Sepia, Grayscale, Color Matrix, Temperature, Black and White, Polaroid, Old Photo, Chromakey, Hue Rotation, Shadow, Auto Tone, Night Vision, Glom, Levels, Curves, Kuwahara, Aberration, Civrance, Transfers)
  • Photo effects (Opacity ,Brighness, Triple, Contrast, Exposure, Invert, Sharpen, Vignette, Hue, Highlights and Shadoes, Posterize, Morphology, Displacement, Emboss, Mirror, Ripple, Rain, Cartoon, Fisheye, Filmgrain etc)
  • Transforms (Rotation, Scaling, Translation, Mirror, Flip, Skew) in 2D and 3D
  • 3D lighting
  • Filtering (blurs, light, Sharpen, convolution)
  • OpenCV (Face Blur)
  • Various other stylistic effects
  • Video-specific effects (Denoise, Deinterlace, Stabilization etc)
  • 360° viewer

In addition to Direct2D and raw effects, Turbo Play provides the ability to use FFmpeg effects. Turbo Play implements some Ffmpeg effects and, additionally, there is a "Custom FFmpeg" which you can pass a specific filter. Find more about ffmpeg filters here.

In addition to its own effects, Turbo Play supports loading most Adobe After Effects and Adobe Premiere plugins which can be used as video/image effects, animations or transitions.
In addition to its own video effects, Turbo Play supports loading most OpenFX plugins which can be used as video/image effects, animations or transitions.
In addition to its own video effects, Turbo Play supports creating custom HLSL effects which can be used as video/image effects, animations or transitions.

The video effects can be applied to parts that generate video (Image, Video, Text, Animation etc). You can apply the video effects in partial video with or without animation with the Mask editor
Animations can be appled to parts that generate video. Animations are the same as transitions but they are applied to only one part. Some animations are better when applied between two parts as transitions (for example, the cross fade), where some animations are better within one part (for example, the hue rotate).

Animations include:
  • Fades (simple, crossfade, and mixes)
  • Colors (sepia, tint, grayscale, hue rotation)
  • Blurs (Gaussian, Movement, Zoom, Radial)
  • Geometry (shapes, squares, jigsaw puzzle, SVG, Star, Heart, Clock, Windmill)
  • Transforms (Move, Line, Zoom, Perspective rotation, Curtain, Pinch)
  • Stylistic animations (Vignette, Posterize, Emboss, Erode, Dilate, Mosaic, Noisy, Splash, Blinds, Glass tiles)
  • Distortions (Twist, Displacement, Ripple, Bulge, Shift, Illusion, Waves)
If you have installed a Java JRE, then Turbo Play will also use some of the JH Labs effects for more animations.

You can have more than one animation to a part.

By default, the animation is applied to the entire part in "left-right" mode and in full intensity. You can right click the animation and configure:
  • How much of the effect will be applied (intensity) from 0 to 1.
  • Effect parameters, for example the Perspective Rotation can rotate in X,Y,Z or combined axes to produce different effects.
  • The left/right mode. Left mode applies the first half of the effect, right mode applies the second half of the effect and left-right applies the entire effect.
  • The part of the part that the animation will be applied. For example, you may want to terminate the animation before the part finishes for smoother animations. You can use the mouse wheel to adjust the size of the animation.
The transitions are animations that are applied between the parts that generate video (text, image, video, visualizations) for smooth switching between them.

The transitions have common interesting properties that you can use to greatly emphasize your video effects:
  • They can be combined together to produce superb effects. Try combining the Twirl with the Cross Fade or the Erode with the Blur.
  • Their time can be changed (Mouse wheel) to allow slow or fast transitions. When you have combined transitions, each transition has its own time, resulting in even more interesting effects.
  • Their intensity can be changed, resulting in "soft" or "hard" transitions.
  • Their parameters can changed, resulting in often completely different effect. For example, try the various options of the Perspective Rotation or the Squares transition.
  • Their curve can be linear or "Smooth Stop". Some effects produce really spectacular transitions when put in the "Smooth Stop" mode. For example, try the windmill or the curtain transitions in both "Linear" and "Smooth Stop" animation mode to see the difference.
Transitions are the same as the animations (Fades, Colors, Blurs, Geometry, Transforms, Stylistic, Distortions etc). Some transitions are better when applied between two parts (for example, the cross fade), where some transitions are better within one part as animations (for example, the hue rotate).

If you have installed a Java JRE, then Turbo Play will also use some of the JH Labs effects for more transitions.
Transitions that need both parts (for example cross fade) can only appear once in a transition collection.

The transitions have options that change their effect. For example the Perspective Rotation can rotate in X,Y,Z or combined axes to produce different effects.

The visualizations are effects that generate animations without input. Drag and drop a visualization object to your sequence and it will generate an animation.
The sound visualizations are effects that generate animations based on current sound output. Drag and drop a sound visualization object in a place where another layer will generate sound.